Sunday, October 20, 2019

September and October happenings

Dear campers,

What a busy two months we have had!  Our classroom campsite has been bustling with hard work, smiles, and fun!  We've squeezed in everything from Grandparents' day, a CSI field trip, working in math stations, the beginning of reading centers, guest readers, science experiements, SeeSaw, and much more!  Enjoy a TON of pictures from these past few weeks!


Ranger Reeves

Quantitative observations

Peer editing our writing

We love weekly visits to the library!

Math card games bring all the competition!

We love to SEESAW our work!

CSI was the best field trip ever!

We loved having our grand-friends!

Working together is the best!

The most precious class EVER!

Making guesses about how we can make water evaporate off paper towels!  This was such fun!

LEGO creations to represent the land bridge theory!

Reading aloud our published pieces! 

Building a land bridge with LEGOS to represent ice!

We are so excited to start reading centers!

Place value in action!

Making scientific observations!

Getting lost in a good book... 

Working on creating Kachina dolls

Totem pole fun!

Callie LOVED making water evaporate faster!

We love to read!

Math games are a hit!

Kachina dolls